Today’s porn is more like bad porn that makes you giggle (and wonder why/how), followed by a happy ending.
I remember being thrilled when the oxford-style pump came out last fall. Finally my love of frump and my love of shoes had united. I could have professor shoes, but with 89% more sexy.
I’m not sure if the oxford (and other men’s styles) for women needed to be taken a step further for spring. I give you exhibit A:
They’re almost cute, but not quite. They make my head hurt if I stare at them too long, and I want to like them, I do – but I can’t. The laces look cheap, too, don’t they?
However, I can forgive the shoe, as long as you don’t do this:
Toeless socks are an abomination unto the Lord, thus saith the Amy.
However, I wouldn’t give you so much bad if I didn’t have something good to follow it up with:
These are ever so cute…just the right amount of lift & detail, and the little peep toe for spring. These I covet. Although not with open-toed socks. Not ever, or you will be barred from the kingdom.
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