PORN! And other goodies

Before we get to today’s porn, I wanted to share some thoughts with you. Yesterday evening, when I was checking my email from home, my Yahoo messenger news headlines popped up, and the following two headlines were right next to each other:

US Plans for Executions at Guantanamo

Bush: Noose Displays ‘Deeply Offensive’

I know that these two items are vastly different, but it did seem to be a bit amusing. In a very macabre sort of way, of course. I don’t actually think death is funny (total lie – death cracks me up).

Other item – today the vet called to check up on Lola, make sure everything was going okay. It is, as I confirmed earlier. However, I found myself a bit jealous. When I had my gall bladder removed, I don’t recall my surgeon calling to check up on me the next day. I also don’t remember the architect’s surgeon calling to check on him, either. I think for my next surgery (hey – I might need to get spayed), I will go to my vet instead. She called twice yesterday – once right before and once right after surgery, and then today. That’s good follow-up, and as a human, don’t I deserve the same kind of consideration as my cat? I think I do.

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for: porn. I’m still looking at all the spring shoes, and since my tulips are poking up, my crocuses are blooming, and my roses, rhododendrons and lilacs are all budding, I’m feeling that spring must be just around the corner (it’s supposed to get up to almost 60 by Friday). So – spring shoes:

These are bright, colorful and springy – and actually not incredibly expensive. Still more than I’m going to pay, but if I really needed them, I could afford.

Now these next ones are beautiful – and so springy. I want them. Alas, these are a bit out of my price range. *sigh*

I love spring. I love that I live in a place that actually has winter. We had snow a few times. But I’m also happy that I live in a place where spring starts springing in February. I’m sure winter isn’t completely over yet (I’ve tried to discourage my tulips and roses), but I can feel it and I can smell it, and if I had and extra $415.00, I could wear it on my feet. Peep-toe season is almost upon us!

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