Sorry about yesterday – I hope you all survived without me.  I had some weird 24-hour funk that kinda drained me.  It was one of those stupid sicks – you don’t feel well enough perform decently at work, but you’re certainly not sick enough to waste a day off stay home & suffer.

But – I went for a nice, long walk yesterday with regular blog guest-star Kim, and then I started to feel much better.

So – today, I have porn!  And, it is guest-porn, from blog guest star Kim.  On my birthday weekend, she shopped and bought these in my honor:

Although, in my opinion, had they truly been in my honor, they would have been a size 6.  I’m just saying.

AND – thank you for all the bloggy best wishes I’ve been accumulating.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy (also, just so we’re clear, in case you are wanting to honor my birthday, I am a size 6).    There are only 3 (counting today) days left to celebrate my birthday (although you may continue to celebrate me all year – I know, I’m such a giver).

Last week, when I was nearly done with three days of work, I was nearly finished with my week.  That was so much cooler than only being half-way through my week.   *sigh*  I would, in lieu of shoes (hee) also take a large sum of money.

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