So – the porn is back with these lickable Jimmy Choos. Something about winter makes me crave boots. I cannot buy these boots, because it would kill me and push my house buying plan out a lot further than I’d like, but they are pretty. Like Johnny Depp – I lust but cannot have.

In other, non-boot news, I am teaching myself how to knit. Yesterday I knitted a scarf, which would be totally awesome if my “new knitters kit” had included enough yarn to make an adult-sized scarf. I’m wearing the scarf anyways, but it’s a tad short.

The only problem now is that I’m out of yarn, and that makes me sad. I may have to drag the architect out to a JoAnn’s fabric or something tonight (I’m not skilled enough to shell out big bucks for nice yarns yet) so I can feed the new knitting fun. Next, I shall learn to purl. And then, I will knit you all sweaters. Or tea cozies. Or twee little hats.

Today, I really love my new job.

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