
I have a headache. I think it’s a combination slightly hungover/no diet coke.

Today is day #1 of a 3-day diet thingie that is supposed to make me feel all better & cure all that ails me. It’s not as non-foody as a friend’s , but I already hate it. Even though It’s only been since approximately this morning. It’s only raw fruits and vegetables for breakfast, lunch, snakes, and for dinner I can have steamed veggies & 1 whole grain item (brown rice) & one protein item (black beans). No alcohol. No cigarettes. No martinis (which was, I realize, already covered under no alcohol). No dairy. No soy. No meat (which honestly, not that big of a sacrifice). No caffeine. No refined grains. No chocolate. No CHEESE!

I’ve been feeling all weird for the last month or 2, and was pretty sure that it’s mostly my diet to blame. I have not been doing well with the eating healthy lately, and I know that’s messing me up. I didn’t want to do a fast necessarily, at least not my first time, and after much research the last two weeks, I decided to do this.

I’m hungry. 🙁


In other news, the architect sends his thanks for everyone’s sympathy. It really means a lot to him. The memorial service was yesterday in Birmingham. He said it was really nice. The minister’s message was based around the gravestone — you have two dates, the day you’re born & the day you die, and just a dash between them, and the dash is almost incidental to the stone’s display, but that’s your life. Live life to the fullest, etc. Then, the architect & his brother & their aunts all got up to tell stories about Jane.

I’m not sure what they’re doing with the ashes yet, but there is a possibility that some of them, at least, will be living with us for the next few months until we move to Portland, to be scattered in Astoria.


I feel sad today. Not depressed necessarily, but sad. I’d rather be home right now (only 5 hours & 15 minutes more of this week) watching Buffy & cuddling with my kitty.

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