May 2013 Goals

I totally fell down on the job for my April Goals, but let’s pretend that these were my goals:

  1. Get promoted. SUCCESS!
  2. Finalize and submit the division budget. SUCCESS! (Also the reason that blogging was sparse in April, I was busy working hard.)
  3. Have a birthday party for the Bean. SUCCESS!
  4. Run five trail miles. SUCCESS! (Although I effed up my knee last week in spin class, and can no longer run. Again. I am thinking of just amputating the knee. As soon as I figure out how to do that without getting rid of the lower leg. And maintaining my ability to run.)
  5. Redo the nursery to make it a more fun space for the Bean. SUCCESS! Helped in great part by my friend’s gift of pirate wall decals!
  6. Get the Bean allergy tested. SUCCESS! And he was a trooper and didn’t even cry. The egg yolk allergy of death made me sad, though. Can you imagine not getting to eat poached eggs, or scrambled eggs, or eggs benedict, or fried eggs, or a croque madame, or omelets, or….yes, I am egg-obsessed.

A picture journey of a few of my successes (I’m skipping the first couple, ’cause those are boring pics).

Birthday pirate!

Birthday pirate!


Captain Alvie


Playing in the Bean’s room


Where the sidewalk ends


Allergy tests (egg yolk, wheat, and crab)

And now – it’s May! Already. Crazy.

And I have goals.

  1. Write every day. I’ve been doing pretty well on, but did not manage to write every day in April. This month, I will do eet!
  2. Get the garden in.
  3. PT exercises on the knee 4x/week.
  4. Great trail run w/ my niece on our trip to Hotlanta (where we will see our other niece graduate from high school!)
  5. Cross off three more projects off my big ol’ work project list (Serv Fac, X-Drive Architecture, Presentation)
  6. Bike rides w/ the Bean. Often.
  7. Book my hotel in the Big Apple for my August trip (the DC part is already booked)
  8. End the habit of negative self-talk
  9. Finally replace my driver’s license (which is my outstanding item from when all my things were stolen in February. Yes – over two months ago.)
  10. Bring my lunch to work every day, starting tomorrow. 🙂

Happy May Day, all! Dance around the may pole, but don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! 🙂



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