This review is about a week overdue. Elizabeth Hunter’s latest came out one week ago today, and if you haven’t picked
Author Archives: Amy Cissell
Thirty-one days
That’s all that’s left of this year. Thirty-one days. 2016 has been a ridiculous year. I moved into a new house.
Motivational Blogging
Motivational in that I’m trying to motivate myself. I got the first round of edits back from my editor yesterday and
Three Things Thursday – Writerly Edition
OMG OMG OMG OMG! You guys! I have a cover for my book! A real cover! AND IT’S SO PRETTY! And
40 Before 40 – Update the Eighth
Eighth is a weird word. It’s not autocorrecting, so I must be spelling it right. But weird, right? ANYWAY – we’re