The Good Sore
That is how I feel today.
I am IN TRAINING. (For life, motherfuckers! Ha!)
Umm, I mean I’m in triathlon training. Now. Due to February illnesses (mine, the Bean’s, and the architect’s), February was kind of a lazy month. Until 2/25.
I worked out more hours between 2/25-3/1 than in the previous twenty days combined.
And, fortunately for you (ha ha ha), I documented this.

3/1 – my nemesis, the bike. 8.5 miles in 46 minutes. It was windy, but this is where I have the most work.
I am ROCKING today’s plans. (It’s rest day.)
I will climb a minimum of 20 flights of stairs today, though. That is a thing at work.
My coach has me biking three times/week now, running twice, and swimming once as I work on my fitness base. I’m not worried about the running or swimming. It’s the bike (the damn bike) that scares me.
The other goal this week is to stop procrastinating and finish the damn book. I sat in front of Scrivener for hours all weekend and wrote zero words. ZERO.
Oh, and to keep up my average of a book a day for my research project with Cat “Savage Thunder” the Magnificent.
At some point, I need to work harder on my Swedish lessons, too.
I should probably try to keep my family fed and watered and played with. I need to find a system where I can make a week’s worth of dinner (prep at the least) on the weekends. A system that involves lots of hidden vegetables and foods that my kid will eat.
I need to stop typing and start doing.
(I also need Alvie to start sleeping through the night IN HIS OWN BED, NO THE SMOKE DETECTOR IS NOT LOOKING AT YOU! again.)
I may need more coffee.
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