So Brave…
That’s what people say about me. I’m assuming. Today I was a chaperone for Alvie’s field trip. There were six two year olds and eight preschoolers. (Also four teachers and two preschool parents.) We rode the bus. Transferred to the MAX light rail, and then! We! Went! Into! A! Tunnel! Surprisingly, there was more to the trip than that, although I think a good 33% of the kids might have been satisfied with that (at least if riding the elevator – or alligator as Alvie says – was also part of the trip).
But wait! There’s More! We went to the Children’s Museum. Do you know what they have at the children’s museum?
CHILDREN! But not in handy display cases like I’d expected. No! They were free-range, like visiting a petting zoo. So many kids. Everywhere.
Also unexpected? We had to bring them back! That’s right, thirteen children and six adults had to go back on the elevator, on the MAX train, out of the tunnel, and then on a bus. (90% success in getting back as many as we started with isn’t too bad, right?)
It actually wasn’t too bad. For the most part, the two-year-old class was pretty well behaved. Or at least as well behaved (if not slightly better) than you’d expect a group of two year olds to be in a place that is like a giant playground of small-person-sized stuff for them to play with.
Alvie had a great time. Not only did we get to ride a MAX train into a TUNNEL, we also walked by a steam train AND there were trains to play with in the museum.
We did manage to tear him away from this room (something for which he may someday forgive me) and found a few other fun places to play.
The last stop before lunch was almost as awesome as trains, because it was so messy!

That smock was completely useless. I do not even know how he ended up so wet, but he has a special gift.
My big boy. As much as I really, really dislike things like this (hordes of small children) I love watching him learn and explore and say, “Mommy, let me show you how it works.”
Gah. One of the cats must be slicing onions. Upstairs in my office. With their complete lack of opposable thumbs. There is no other explanation for this mysterious moistening of my eyeballs. Damn cats.
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