Motivational Monday
As in, I need some motivation. Please send any extra you have to spare. I feel that I’ve been so lazy lately. The house stuff isn’t getting done. The garden stuff is waaaaay not getting done. I am getting work done, but not working out. Also, I am taking care of that baby, so there’s that.
Yesterday, I had the worst run since I started running again post baby. I did my 5-minute warm-up walk (not sure why I never did those before, but they are generally a great idea) and then started running. And lo! it sucked. My knees hurt, and my hips, and my *ahem*, and my head was pounding and I felt crappy. I ran a mile, then walked home. I’m trying not to feel too badly about that – because I got out and did it. And – after my swim on Thursday, that is two entire workings out I have accomplished-ish in the last week. Yeah, that’s how pathetic my workout schedule has been. I still haven’t fixed my bike seat so that I can ride without wanting to ride into traffic to end the discomfort in my bum, so all I’ve been doing is walking.
BUT – in the interest of sanity and mental health and physical health and upcoming triathlons, that must end. I am very much an ‘all or nothing’ type person. So, I make VERY grand plans, and if I can’t get through all of it, I don’t do any of it. My rationale when making said plans is that if I make the grandest of plans, I can get a lot done, and it will be awesome.
New strategy – make the bare minimum of plans, and then I can count SUCCESS by doing very little (i.e. something), and then have super duper success if I do more than I planned.
My main foci are:
- Run
- Bike
- Swim
- Core
Bonus foci:
- Strength
- Yoga
Number one goal:
- Walk 10,000 steps/day (I am at 2381 as of 7 am on Monday).
This weeks’ low-key schedule
- Monday: 10K steps + 10 minutes of core (60 seconds each: planks, side plank; bridges; bicycle crunches; + push-ups ’til failure; repeat)
- Tuesday: bike to work
- Wednesday: walk/run 32.5 minutes (5 min warm; 10 min run; 2.5 min walk; 10 min run; 5 min walk)
- Thursday: OWS 2 laps (~1000 yds)
- Friday: walk/run 37.5 minutes (5 min warm; 12.5 min run; 2.5 min walk; 12.5 min run; 5 min walk)
- Saturday: walk 10K steps+ 10 minutes of core (60 seconds each: planks, side plank; bridges; bicycle crunches; + push-ups ’til failure; repeat)
- Sunday: walk/run 42.5 minutes (5 min warm; 15 min run; 2.5 min walk; 15 min run; 5 min walk)
Oh – and because I know 90% of you are here for baby pics – this is what happened this weekend:

why yes, I can sit up unassisted for upwards of 30 seconds at a time. sometimes I don’t even need to use my hands as balance. also – tipping over is HILARIOUS. Mama & Daddy are in so much trouble.