Three (3) Things Thursday

1. I was up until 3 am last night. Three A M. That is very late. I am running on about 3.5 hours of sleep right now. I just hope the random giggling that starts when I’m really tired holds off until I get home tonight. It tends to frighten people.

2. Last night, we had the best dinner. Risotto with edamame, asparagus (from my CSA), and homegrown greens (arugula and spinach). Oh, and the garlic was also from my garden! (Sadly, the edamame and onions were not. Nor was the rice, actually. And not the wine, either. BUT – the chicken stock was homemade!) The parsley on top? Also from my garden.


Oh wait – what’s that on top? Parmesan cheese? Hmmm….where did that come from?


3. Oh yeah, bitches. FINALLY! Cheese success. The whole process started on July 19, 2010. I made parmesan. And then, I put it in my cheese cave. Eventually, I waxed it and put it back in the cave (which is actually a wine fridge) for further aging. It is recommended that one ages a Parmesan for 11-12 months minimum.

Freshly waxed cheeses

In late August/early September, I also made two wheels of cheddar, which only need about 4 months of aging. I tested these cheeses in December. They were, by far, the most disgusting cheeses ever. Seriously.

So – I was nervous last night when I decided it was time.


The moment of truth

I sliced out a small wedge, and then slowly and hesitantly took a bite.

The test

Holy crap.

So freaking good.

We cut a big wedge out of it & grated it for the risotto.

I think I need to make more immediately – especially since it takes a year to age!

IMAG0411 Bonus! Also handy for munching any spare ghosts you have about.


After the disappointments with the cheddar, I feel totally vindicated and am ready to make some more cheese!  I’m thinking cheddar this weekend, and maybe another wheel of parm in a month (the next three-day weekend I have at home & party-free).



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