I Almost Forgot!

You guys! Here we are, 8 weeks post foot surgery, and I totally almost didn’t even do a foot update! BAD AMY!


So – the good: my crutches have been put away, out of sight!

The better: It no longer hurts to walk on hard surfaces barefoot!

The best: I can wear a larger variety of shoes.

The betterest: The swelling, while still present, is significantly better.

The grossest: My suture scabs all fell off & my foot looked like a molting snake for about four days.

The not too gross: The suture area is still very bruisy & tender, which makes wearing my clogs painful at the end of the day.

The activity-est: I walked almost a whole mile on Sunday! And I can almost walk downstairs like a normal human being again!

Yay, feet!

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