Long Run Success

This was my 3rd day in a row running, and I think I may never do that again. Two days in a row was fine, but this third day was a little much.

However, I did hit my goal of 8 miles today – which was awesome. And despite many walk breaks, I still averaged an 11:47 mile over all 8 miles.


Mile 1: 10:33 (doing the warm-up mile with Mr. Pi, the Ambitious One’s hubby)
Mile 2: 11:05 (after he left us in the dust, and we slowed a bit)
Mile 3: 12:14 (we took a walk break here)
Mile 4: 12:24 (and here, obviously)
Mile 5: 11:25 (on the way back now – sans the Ambitious One, now accompanied by Junk Miles)
Mile 6: 11:29 (another walk break here)
Mile 7: 11:59 (and here’s where we ran into Emily – and got to see her exciting news!)
Mile 8: 13:09 (there was a LOT of walking here, but dammit! I made it)

It’s a good thing that I was meeting up with people to run – I don’t think I would’ve made my goal 8 miles without them (and certainly wouldn’t have been able to keep any kind of pace on the way back if it hadn’t been for Ms. Junk Miles).

I feel so lucky to have found a great group of runners to, well, run with! And also have drinks with, of course – I can’t wait for next Sunday’s post-run brunch.

And now, I am home. I stopped at the grocery store for the first of my bi-monthly $100 shopping trips, and I’ll recap that tomorrow – I’ve had a few questions about how that’s going. I ate a banana with some peanut butter, but I think I need a bit more in my stomach right now.

I hope everyone had a good weekend!

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