So Much Fun!

So, tonight I did not go to yoga. Instead, I did 50 minutes on my elliptical and then the architect dropped me off at Blue Hour.

I walked in just after Junk Miles.

Shortly thereafter, the Ambitious One and her friend (who does not have a blog, but has run a marathon) showed up; and soon Mr. Pi (A’s hubby).

We were then joined by E from If you can’t beat them & Running Stories & her husband. Ms. HTC did not make it this time, but since we’ll definitely have to do it again, maybe next time.

We had a great time – drank wine and had a LOT of fondue. Most of us are natives of the midwest & Great Plains, so we mocked the wimpiness of non-snow states (seriously – chains after an inch of snow?).

I think it’s safe to say that a good time was had by all. We talked about running, and running shoes, and marathons and triathlons and books and dating and then, just for good measure, running.

What a great group of people! And somewhere, there are photos!

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