Deep in Editland & the Dreams are Odd

I was hard at work editing Book 2 of Eleanor’s story last week and found what may be my favorite typo yet. Florence said they were “credible terrorist treats.”

(Personally, both Isaac and I believe that they are definitely incredible terrorist threats. Although I suppose it’s also possible that they’re inedible terrorist treats.)

(This is all fiction, NSA…move along.)

What I’m saying is that I’ve been pretty immersed in Eleanor’s world. Between crossing my fingers that people will continue to buy it, thinking about sales, editing book 2, and thinking about whether my next writing project will be a start on book five or to start book 2 in my other series (that was my Iceland trip), my brain has been busy.

Add to that a freelance editing project involving a serial killer, my propensity to watch Forensic Files during my lunch break, and reading a (so awful) vampire book yesterday, is it any wonder my dreams went weird last night?

There was a sexy vampire who was also a forensic hematologist. Crimes were solved. Blood was studied. It was exactly what I want the next CSI to be.

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Sendhil Ramamurthy is my inspiration for Raj and would make a fantastic lead in CSI: Transylvania

 The week ahead is chock full of editing. I want to be slightly more than 50% done by the end of Friday. I have my kiddo next weekend (hooray! I miss that Bean like crazy) and want to not work while we’re together. That means I need to get through a little more than 2 chapters/day.

It’s going to be intense – especially since I actually have other things that need to get done (like periodically getting up from my desk, doing some yoga, applying for jobs, occasionally showering, cooking, baking, laundering…).


I’ll be here every day. There are book reviews coming this week (two!) and a review of the new Mercy Thompson next week (release day is tomorrow!).

There will be periodic motions of that book that I wrote that I think you should (a) buy and (b) review on Amazon. My newsletter will go out next week, so sign up for a bit of news and an exclusive snippet from Eleanor #2.


Have a great week, internet friends! Stay classy! (I may or may not have watched Anchorman for the first time last night, and I am staying as classy as I possibly can.)

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