I have survived

Well, I am at work. My goal was to work a full day (which I have not done since last Tuesday). However, the forces of nature are not down with that plan – so only a half day today. It’s very very pretty out – although it took me 1.5 hours to do the 40 minute MAX trip – so I was very glad that that didn’t have to drive. It’s a skeleton crew in the office today – and we get to leave at noon. Since I have a lunch meeting downtown that wasn’t cancelled, I actually get to leave at about 11 and have free lunch.

The sickness – it was bad. and every time I thought I was recovered? I was not. I’m actually qutie releived that today is an easy day. I am not ready for 8 hours of work. although I am going to try to use my elliptical today instead of just admiring it.

I had a decently productive weekend, all vomiting considered. I got a new driver’s license. I got my car all on the way to be registered. I picked up my car, now with $3500 worth of exciting repairs.

Saturday, the architect and I went to a first-time home buyers class. After the depressing morning session, which was all about assistance loans that we don’t qualify for, the afternoon was informative. We have a meeting with a lender on Saturday. It was depressing learning about all the programs that we make too much to qualify for, but yet we don’t make enough that we can just drop $40K on a downpayment….so we’re just stuck in the middle. Stupid middle.
The rest of the weekend was spent lounging about and moaning theatrically, making out my last will & testament, trying to get the cats to sign as witnesses, and watching a lot of Buffy. Also, I ate some soup, drank 7-Up and ate some icecream. It was a nutritious weekend.
But – I made it through, and believe that I will not die now (of course, now that I’ve said that, I will probably be in a bus accident on my way home).

So – happy snow day everyone!

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