Tempest in a Teapot

Welcome to Oracle Bay, the town where the psychics already knew you were coming.

Morgana has spent the last year undercover in sweater sets and pearls, searching for a magical serial killer. When she follows a lead to Ireland, she sets off an unforeseen chain of events – a death in Oracle Bay and the waking of an ancient curse. 

Donovan Davies is a thorn in Morgana’s side and possibly the killer she’s been hunting. He’s also the only one who can see past the façade she’s honed for centuries to find the way to her heart.

Morgana can’t deny the heat between them. However, she knows she’s not only risking her own life by falling in love, but the life of the one person who’s been by her side for centuries. But if they don’t find the person harvesting power with black magic, it’ll be more than her heart that’s in danger. 

Elements of Surprise

Welcome to Oracle Bay, the town where the psychics already knew you were coming.

Morgana is recovering from the events of the last couple months, rebuilding her power, and mending her broken heart. But a text from the man she’d pushed away puts Oracle Bay back in the crosshairs. This time, the dark witch is looking for more than power – she’s looking for revenge.

When the power-mad witch murders someone under Morgana’s protection, the hunt becomes even more urgent. She has to push aside her fear to work with the man who holds her heart. And she has to do it without giving in to the feelings that are drawing them even closer together.

The hunt spans three countries and leaves Morgana constantly one step behind. When there’s nowhere else to turn, she’s forced to trust her instincts and her friends if she wants to find the strength to save the people she loves. One misstep will leave Oracle Bay vulnerable, and this time, it isn’t only her heart that’s on the line.

Wing and a Prayer

Welcome to Oracle Bay, the town where the psychics already knew you were coming.

Andy, a former fallen angel, has been cast out of heaven and hell. Now he’s hiding in plain sight in Oracle Bay. He’s been content to brew award-winning beer, tease the resident psychics, and settle into small-town life.

When Ceri looked into his mind to solve a mystery, they both got more than they’d bargained for. She can’t forget what she’s seen. He can’t get her out of his mind. And they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other.

But a Halloween scuffle started by some rowdy angels upsets the delicate balance. Soon his small-town obscurity is threatened by an apocalypse. This time, the world isn’t the only thing on the line – Andy has his heart to guard as well. 

Belle of the Ball

Welcome to Oracle Bay, the town where the psychics already knew you were coming.


Drew is recovering from the latest apocalypse and making eyes at his ex-boyfriend Bill, hoping to rekindle their romance. But a pair of mischievous kittens show up and usher in chaos, instead. 

An unusual party atmosphere has descended on the town, and the crime rate is skyrocketing. Drew must put on his deerstalker and channel his favorite fictional detectives. But with everyone’s psychic powers on the fritz, Drew and his friends are at their wit’s end.

With practical jokes, power-theft, and murders stacking up, Drew is getting desperate to stop the crimes before anyone else gets hurt. If he can’t get to the bottom of it soon, he may never get his second chance with Bill.

Hell and High Water

Welcome to Oracle Bay, the town where the psychics already knew you were coming.


Three hundred years ago, Ceridwen’s family ran her out of town after they found out she had the sight. Now, she’s buried her past and settled in Oracle Bay where she makes a living scrying for tourists.


The one thing she never lets herself think about is her brief but fiery fling with local brewer and fallen angel Andy. But her accidental look into his mind showed her the entire universe’s past, present, and future. 


When the ghosts of a past unsolved serial murder start haunting her present, Ceri can no longer hold her mind and her memories together. The only thing keeping the demons at bay is Andy’s touch. But as her facade cracks, Ceri can no longer keep her precarious sanity a secret from her friends or the fallen angel she can’t walk away from.