Writerly Wednesday: So Close I Can Taste It

I am thisclose to finishing The Ruby Blade. This time I mean it. I’ve asked my beta readers (and anyone else who wants to) to publicly shame me if they don’t have the book in their hot little hands by Sunday morning.

This rewriting is awful. I mean, I love it, and I love this story, and I’m really hoping you do, too. BUT it’s so painful trying to figure out what’s wrong and why and how to fix it.

Once I recover from this process, I have to make a choice for what to do next.

  1. Start work on rewriting on book 4. I have just under 1/2 of a book done, so it’ll be less rewriting and more writing with some scenes already finished.
  2. Start work on rewriting book 1 in my Ragnarok series (this is more of a paranormal romance/mystery apocalypse book).
  3. Write completely unrelated book 1 in my newest series that I accidentally started in May. I need to take what I’ve written so far – about 10K words – and do some serious plotting before continuing. (This is definitely more PNR with a little bit of thrill worked in.)

You’re welcome to weigh in with your opinion, but in the end, I’m probably going to go ahead and do what I want.


Of course, that’s not always true. Sometimes I do what I think I should. Which is why tomorrow evening, at 7 pm at Another Read Through, I will be reading a couple selections from The Waning Moon and then answering questions and signing books.

There will be books for sale and if you buy both paperbacks, there will be a discount available!

Please come and please ask questions and please buy some books and ask me to sign them for you.


There is a small possibility that I might pass out from fear. (Funny-ish story: I dreamed the other night that the book signing was me on a high stage with a single spotlight shining on me, and everyone I’ve ever know in my life came and was given a squishy tomato upon entering the extremely large auditorium. So that’s where we are now.)

For those of you who’ve read The Waning Moon, any suggestions on what a good passage to read is? (I’ve got one picked out already, but need another.)

Provided I don’t die tomorrow evening, I’ll try to get a couple book reviews up in the next few days in between finishing The Ruby Blade. (I’m super hoping to get a draft of the cover soon and cannot wait! EEEE!)


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