If you want some paranormal romance (and find a couple crossover characters!), visit Oracle Bay. Oracle Bay is a coastal town in Washington State with a much higher per capita population of psychics – and these psychics are always, always right.

That much knowledge and foresight does’t always make things easy, though!

Not in the Cards is book 1, and it’s your intro into the tight-knit group of psychics. Sandy is looking for a new life and a new home, and stumbles onto a tarot shop for rent with a living space above the shop. She pulls out the cards she hasn’t looked at since college and hangs out her shingle. It doesn’t take long for her almost-ex-asshat to find her… And it takes even less time for the fate of the town to rest in her (and the rest of the oracles’) hands.

There are currently 5 novels in the series and more to come!