Oh hai!

So…it’s been awhile! I posted my “hey! my baby’s two months old!” post, and then…disappeared.

We went to Seattle for the weekend to celebrate the graduation of my good friend Brian. Then, a waitress tried to maim my child (that is a slight exaggeration). And, alas! I got no pictures of Brian & I together! Which is important, because this fall he is running off to Cambridge to do his M.Phil., and might not remember the little people when he returns, all Britishly fancified.

And then last week I was just MIA. From everything. I didn’t exercise. I didn’t post. I was basically a deadbeat!

My in-laws were in town Wednesday – Monday, though, so that did keep us a bit busy.

So – quick updates!

We took Alvie to Mt Ranier. He was not impressed.

He also got a chance to be bored with Snoqualmie Falls (which I think is the falls from Twin Peaks opening sequence).

Last Tuesday, we got all business casualed up for my last day in the office before finishing maternity leave. (That just seems wrong, somehow.)

I made a cake (cake #1 in my cake a month challenge; pics to come), and 9 dozen cookies. I then realized that I have no cookie jar! I found the perfect cookie jar for 9 dozen cookies on the internet, and it arrived Friday. However, it was completely misleading and only about 2 dozen fit inside. I call shenanigans.

It was a busy few days when Grandpa Howard and Grandma Barbara were here. Thursday, Alvie got to have a trial run with his new nanny. He had a great time (she has a ceiling fan – what more does a baby need?). I had a hard time!

Friday, I left Alvie with his grandparents while I did some set-up for this year’s yogathon, and then Saturday, I was at the yogathon from 7:45ish to 1:30 – the longest I’ve been without the little dude ever! He had a great time with grandma, grandpa and daddy.


Saturday night was more sans-Alvie time, as the architect and I went out for dinner. It was the first time we’ve been out together alone since last July (although he wasn’t too disruptive for the first few weeks).

Sunday I got to celebrate another great friend’s graduation at Amnesia Brewing (home to my favorite IPA), and once again, I am sans photo.

BUT – the biggest event of the past 10 days was that last Friday, Alvie Bean, at age not-quite-10-weeks rolled over from his tummy to  his back for the first time. He has not, of course, repeated since – but it was very exciting.

This is my last week of leave, so I am spending lots of time staring at the baby and nomming on his cheeks, arms, belly and thighs. Poor kid will be relieved to be less nommed on when I go back to work.

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