I think I found some lint…

You all know how much I love navel gazing. Maybe part of it is approaching 35 (yes, it’s over a year away, but in my mind, Feb 2012 is a huge, looming date, when everything starts all shiny & new). Or being unable to run much this year. Or just being a wee bit crazy in my own brain.

BUT – I am not the only one.

So – this December, I will be taking part in Reverb10 – a project to “reflect on your year and manifest what’s next.”

I have a lot of thoughts about how this last year went, and some definite hopes for the future; and would like to spend December thinking more about that than how freaking dark it is by the time I leave work, and where did I put my hat!?!

So – join me. Or not. I’ll try not to get too deep into the navel gazing that I lose sight of what’s actually going on around me. Contemplating self is not so useful when I forget to live, right?

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