Raise Your Arms in the Air

Or, if you’re me, don’t. Because you can’t.

Yesterday I hit the gym for my first weight lifting session in ALMOST TWO MONTHS. To be honest, I was a little afraid that my printout (I get computer printouts that tell me what to lift – which machines, what weight, how many sets & reps, etc) was going to kick my ass.

But – apparently construction is good for strength building, because I was able to complete all exercises. It was a tricep heavy workout, so I knew I’d be a little sore after. After my weights & abs, I was going to hop back on the elliptical for another 10 minutes (I usually do 10 minutes of cardio before & after my weights), and then I saw it.

My nemesis.

The rowing machine.

The rowing machine is only my nemesis because I am afraid of it. AND, since this is my month of being a brave, brave gazelle (and since I’d just seen a 195-year-old woman using it) I decided that I would row.

And I did – for ten minutes. And it was good.

And this morning, I could barely wash my hair. (At least I’m brave!) Hopefully I will be able to swim tomorrow!

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