Much Better

I slept about 10 hours last night, and I feel MUCH better today. I lazed this morning, reading in bed, and then got up, had a big bowl of oatmeal, and worked my ass off!  Who knew gardening could be such a workout? There were squats, there were lunges, there was steering the electric tiller about.

I tilled the big & little beds, cleaned up the front flower garden & herb garden, planted some early spring plant stuff (asparagus, onions, radishes, spinach & early peas) and got super dirty.

My knee was bothering me again when I woke up this morning, and since I really want to make my 12 miler on Sunday, I decided that I would garden the calories off today instead – and that was quite a workout.

However, unfortunately the last few days of crazy schedules have taken their toll on the architect, and he is now sick!

I’m kind of sad that there are only two days of vacation left – there are still so many things on my to-do list that are undone!

BUT – in the next two days, I would like to accomplish:

  • Make laundry detergent
  • Make 2-week menu, grocery shop
  • Make a lot of freezer waffles
  • List extraneous shoes on eBay
  • List extraneous books on Amazon Marketplace
  • Finish rearranging the upstairs room (exciting photos to follow)

Actually – I think that’s all. Nothing that’s hard or even that time-consuming. I did get a lot more stuff done early on that I thought – just lazy days on Wednesday & Thursday made me forget.

And, I really only have to work four days before I get my three-day weekends back again!

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