So – it’s Monday again….already

I think that there should be a law that makes weekends longer. I did some stuff – ran, biked, ellipticaled, played more internet solitaire than should be legal.

I also FINALLY got the donation stuff out of my car. I’m thinking I’ll definitely get better gas mileage now -that crap’s been in there for months.

Saturday was gorgeous. Sunday was not.

Friday night brought the crappiest martini I’ve ever had. Apparently the bar that was recommended by a supposed friend was recommended based on it’s non-crowdedness (one of my criterion) and not on the strength of its drinks (my other, and more important, criterion).

Oh, well – better luck next time. I went home and made myself a beautiful martini garnished with bleu-cheese stuffed olives that I received from a lovely & generous friend.

Today? I’m at work. Blah! Again, with the five whole days in a row thing. The madness must stop!

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