Today, we have Steve Madden, one of my boyfriends.

These are Orsen. I don’t know who names shoes and how they pick, but whatever. Perhaps Orsen is Swedish for “super sexy” or something.

So, I have a friend. I am so excited. Today, after work (we get to go home at 3:30! which is way cooler for those that arrive at 9 than those that arrive at 7:30, but whatever. I got in at 8:35 today, so it’s good for me), we are going to a yarn store together. I have finished Margaret’s hat (except for the last touches), and need new yarn and new projects. Next is a sweater for the architect, and then a super-secret cool present for my friend Sara’s 30th birthday. Also, I have other friends with birthdays (I know! My friends are unique!) and I know they want knitted stuff. So, if anyone wants a knitted thing, let me know what, and I’ll let you know if you can have it (my skills are, as-yet, fairly minimal).

And also (going back to shoes, which is the reason we gather here on Wednesdays), my friend and I are going to DSW some weekend. My new friend knits and loves shoes. Portland is so awesome.

Also, Margaret, when you get back from Afghanistan, I have your next boyfriend. He lives in Portland and is cute and funny and drinks occasionally. So, you could move here and it would be fun. Let me know.

I was just mocked for my M&M-eating methodology, and wanted to know – do any of you have OCD-food quirks? Do you want to share?

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