Writerly Wednesday

I’ve designated Wednesdays as writing update days. That’s not to say that you won’t get updates on other days, but I promise* updates on Wednesdays.

Since I had about zero expectations going into this whole book release deal, I’m feeling okay about sales. I mean, I’d like to sell more books. Because I’m human. (Who says, “Oh, I wish I’d sold fewer books…woe is me?”) But I’m pleased with how things are going so far! Also, pleasing? This:

I’m getting good reviews on both Goodreads and Amazon (and if you’ve read the book, I would really appreciate an Amazon review!), and I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m a decent writer.

I seem to be a big hit in Australia, and if I wasn’t afraid of literally everything in there, I’d totally come visit!

This is the only picture I found when googling “Australia is scary” that didn’t make me want to pass out. WTF, Australia? Why so big spiders? 


My first newsletter will be coming out in two weeks (it’s a monthly newsletter hitting your inboxes on roughly the 3rd Wednesday of the month…I realize it’ll be the 4th Wednesday this month, but the 1st was on a Wednesday and it threw me off), so there’s still plenty of time to sign up to get upcoming release information, exclusive Eleanor snippets, and whatever else content I throw in there. (That’s to generate an aura of anticipation and is not meant to imply that I’m winging it, here…)


Typos of the Week

“The only ones left after I’m done will be supernaturals…and doomsday peppers.”

“…credible terrorist treats.”


The best part of editing this week, other than getting back into a book I wrote almost three years ago and have only glanced at occasionally as a reference for books 3 & 4, is glancing at my post-it I made to remind me what crutch words I’m keeping an eye out for…


Happy Hump Day, y’all!


*offer void where prohibited; you may publicly mock me if the promise is broken; not valid in Fiji, the Canary Islands, parts of Oklahoma, and Estonia.

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